Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fun Travel Trivia - Quiz 3

Test Your Travel Knowledge!

1.     Salt water taffy originated on the boardwalk of which U.S. city?       
A.    Atlantic City

2.     If you wanted to eat at the first Hard Rock Cafe and see Pete Townshend’s Gibson Les Paul guitar, which city would you visit?           
A.    London

3.     Where are the Pillars of Hercules?     
A.    Strait of Gibraltar

4.     The Temple of Hercules is a day-trip from which capital city?            
A.    Amman

5.     The Tower of Hercules is a preserved Roman lighthouse in Spain.  In which specific region is it?
A.    Galicia

6.     The Rio Grande, Colorado and Arkansas rivers begin in this U.S. state.
A.    Colorado

7.     Which famous sculpture was carved mostly with dynamite? 
A.    Mount Rushmore

8.     How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
A.    984 feet.

9.     What country has more volcanoes than any other?
A.    Indonesia. It has 167 of the 850 active volcanoes known in the world.

10.   Which of the Seven Wonders of the World was a Ephesus?
A.    The Temple of Artemis

11.   What was the original purpose of the leaning tower of Pisa?
A.    Bell Tower

12.   What island in San Francisco Bay was the site of an almost escape-proof prison?
A.    Alcatraz.

13.   What is the largest country in South America?
A.    Brazil

14.   What was the ancient city, carved out of red rock in Jordan, that was forgotten by Europeans until the 19th century?
A.     Petra

15.   The Straight of Gibraltar connects the Atlantic Ocean with which Sea?
A.    Mediterranean

So How Did You Do?

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